The Results Of Political Apathy

Political Apathy, in my opinion, is the corner-stone of modern-day poverty. There are many types of apathy to cover; however, today I would like to focus on the effect that political Apathy has on poverty in our society. Believe it or not political apathy is as old as politics, which has existed since humanity has been organizing themselves into living in groups.
Politics has always been more about garnering power than it ever was about altruism. Politics is not just about who we physically vote for, it is about how we choose to lend our support and aid to others.
Human beings love leadership, but the older I get the more I realize it is not because we necessarily crave leadership, it is more a buffer. We desperately need someone to blame when and if things go wrong; or someone to credit if things go well. It seems that we are ill-equipped to take on the responsibility for our own actions. It is the main reason why in the devil gets the blame for everything that goes wrong in Christianity. It is also the reason that God gets the credit for things when they go smoothly and work out.


We complain about politicians as though they are taking something from us instead of taking responsibility for the fact that in our constant state of apathy that we have willingly given our power away. We are not interested in what is real, true and right. We are far more interested in how things APPEAR, even when we know better.
Politicians commit and get away with a multitude of crimes against humanity because we not only allow it, we sanction it. We are so caught up in the idolization of status, wealth and prosperity that we sacrifice the greater good of our fellow human beings in the process. We have sacrificed our freedom at the altar of the Gods of prosperity preaching and teaching and have lost our way concerning doing what it is right.
This is why so many of us are so enamored with articulate, attractive, smooth talkers that present us with an image that reflect our views regardless of how much truth there is involved. Help the Rijs’s

We all know that laws in general create order in society or we would have absolute chaos. Crimes against murder, rape, robbing and stealing are a few of the obvious crimes that we all know are wrong just on face value, but many of the laws that are written into legislation have nothing to do with actually protecting people in general. They are actually written to solidify and protect the wealth and rights of those who are very rich and powerful.
We tell ourselves that laws are created for our protections. We have been singing this song for so long that we believe it to be the undisputed truth, even when the evidence points out otherwise.
It is this kind of apathy towards our fellow-man that causes people to support inhumane laws against feeding the homeless. The justification that is often used is; “if you feed them they won’t try to lift themselves from their impoverished conditions”.
The truth of the matter is that it is this very inhumane behaviour that contributes to spread of poverty. HELP THE RIJS’S

When our party of choice does not get re-elected or elected into office, we turn on each other like rats in a cage when the truth of the matter is, there is little that we could have done with the state of politics being what it is.
We assume that because we are doing what we are told is the right thing to do that politics plays by the same rules when it never has. This is why no real change ever takes place.
What I find to be most disheartening is knowing full well that no matter who one votes for, they don’t have your best interest at heart. Political campaigns for public spectacle and little else. Those political contenders know full well that their campaigns are a show. These potentials are beholden to the wealthy that support their campaigns not only with their money, but with their wealth of connections.
The sad thing is that the politicians involved know the score, but the average supporter does not. Too many of us believe in the political process even though the evidence throughout the years have been telling us that what we believe in is a sham.

Politicians do just enough to make it look like change is taking place, but not enough to really stick. There is no money in the cure it is all made in the treatment. Politicians know full well that if they supported policy they’re affected real change that they would not be needed in their current capacity. What they don’t understand is that if they actually did what was right by the people that they made such lofty promises too that, in making their lives better their popularity would increase building bridges of trust and creating more opportunity to do go among their constituencies. Instead, most choose the shortsighted route. Many people reading this will think that I am only referring to the Republican Party when the ugly fact of the matter is that the ALL politicians are guilty of this blinding shortsightedness regardless of party affiliations. Believing in a party rather than the goal is blind apathy of the worst kind.


Many of the fervently religious regardless of their religion read scriptures that point out the state of the human condition and actually believe that it is a justification for those various states. People that ought to know better view poverty as something inevitable that we must accept because of what they read instead of focusing on the actual message about how to behave.
Holy texts regardless of where they come from were supposed to be a map for how to grow, learn and make life better. They were not written as a destination for the state of our thinking. Humanity for well over a millennia have gotten far too comfortably unconcerned with the human condition, unless it affects is personally in some way. Instead of us walking a mile in someone else’s shows we justify our unconcern by attacking the victim for being victimized.

The truth is that we have always had poverty because we have always had greedy people with a lust for power that like it that way. There are far too many of us that believe the only way to become a success is at the expense of others. Then, we lie to ourselves and to others by saying that we get what we deserve when that is not even close to the case. If that were true, there are many wealthy people who would loss their wealth and would be imprisoned for life just for their crimes against humanity.
There is no such thing as a self-made million-billionaire. No one ever work so hard that they deserve their billion dollar paychecks. We are not islands and we do not ever become successful on our own regardless of the lies we choose to believe after we become wealthy.
It is this kind of assumptive thinking that lends to the belief that poor people are poor because they are lazy and unintelligent and rich people are rich because they are wise and intelligent and that is simply not the truth. My father was a hardworking coal miner. His efforts in the coal mines made the owner of the mines wealthy and I am sure that his family is living from the efforts of men like my father to this day. My father died of black lung. He did what he did for his family.
There are people even now sacrificing their physical, mental and emotional health for the well-being of their families. This doesn’t sound like the actions of unintelligent lazy men and women to me.

The problem is that the often idolised rich businesses’ can afford to pad the campaigns of those running for office to protect their interest. Meaning laws get written that benefit those business owners and they can keep their wealth even when their businesses fail or are sold without being beholden to the people who do the real work to create the wealth behind the business. It is usually the workforce who suffer the most as a result.

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